Accidents happen in the bedroom II.
In our last article, we openly admitted that accidents do happen, unfortunately even in bed. Wine, a baby or dog in your freshly laundered linen is a good idea until it goes wrong somehow, and it almost always does. We have told you what you can do in advance, what you should do immediately and how to take care of your down feather filler. But every such accident in bed is headed for the washing machine along with your bed linen, so that's what we'll focus on today.
Wash like a professional
It's not just about putting everything in the washing machine and turning on a program. Surprisingly, there's a lot that can go wrong with laundry, but luckily we know what can be improved, so here's a list of our tips:
- We'd rather remind you once again of a proven tip from before. If there are stains on the sheets, apply a proven stain remover at least fifteen minutes before washing - we recommend bile soap! Nowadays, you can also find vegan variants of this product and the manufacturers even guarantee the same effectiveness.
- Do not overload the washing machine! It is better to split the load so that the bed linen has enough space in the washing machine and subsequently in the dryer to be washed and dried hygienically.
- This is also related to the fact that it is better to wash the sheets separately from other clothes. These tend to get tangled in various ways, "crumple" in one corner and do not wash or dry thoroughly.
- If you wash your bed linen once a week or more and there are no significant stains, we recommend washing it on a gentler cycle, which is kinder to the fabric.
- In general, dark linen tends to fade, so it is not advisable to wash them at high temperatures.
- We have mentioned the tumble dryer several times, however, if you have the option, we recommend drying your linen outside on a line! It is first and foremost much greener, but also more practical! The sun beautifully whitens any remaining stains. And on top of that, falling asleep in freshly washed linen that dried in the fresh air is magic...
Finally, we recommend that you make sure that the linen is completely dry before placing it back on the bed. Otherwise, covers and fillers can become damp, leading to the growth of bacteria or even mould.
How often should you wash if accidents don't happen?
That's a good question! It is clear to us that wine in bed does not always end in disaster and leads, as a rule, only to a pleasant evening. Does that mean that there's no reason to wash your linen often if you keep it clean? Not a chance!
We understand that changing your bed linen isn't exactly the most fun activity, but believe uswhen we say that regular washing once a week, or at most once every two weeks, is the best thing you can do for yourself. Although the linen doesn't look dirty, the opposite is true. We are now appealing primarily to single men between the ages of 18 and 25.
According to Business Insider, in one survey, 55% of them said they change their bedding only four times a year...We really don't have anything to add to that.
Another study found that there are up to 16 different species of fungi and literally millions of spores on a typical pillow. And there are up to 39 times more bacteria in your unwashed pillowcase or linen than in pet food bowls and even several thousand times more bacteria than on the toilet seat.
It's simply black on white!
In case this doesn't break you, we've boldly and clearly written down the reasons why you should throw your linen in the washing machine as soon as you finish reading this article. . Black on white, unfortunately, are not only the reasons, but also all the microscopic monsters in your bed linen!
We shed about 15 million skin cells at night, but they don't just accumulate in the linen. There are mites waiting for them. And the longer you wait between washes, the more food these creatures have and the more they breed and multiply.
Therefore, if you are not washing your linen, you will definitely not be sleeping alone. Because there will be hundreds of thousands of different bugs there with you. And you don't want that.
If you have skin problems, washing your pillowcase should be more frequent. . Cosmetic products that get there from your skin accumulate on the sheets. Your pillow gradually becomes something that most resembles a used make-up pad.
And do you want to sleep on a used makeup remover pad? All impurities will be transferred back to your skin over the next few nights, and if you're wondering why you have acne in the morning, we're not.
We also recommend changing the linen more often than once a week for asthmatics and allergy sufferers. This will keep the occurrence of mites to a minimum. Dust mites and their faeces produce proteins that cause red and itchy eyes, runny nose and other cold-like symptoms in allergy sufferers.
It all sounds a little scary, but it's really easy to avoid all of these problems.
Wash your linen frequently.
As we have already told you in the first part of this article and why in the second. . Use the hottest water possible and make dressing your bed a pleasant ritual. We would recommend a glass of wine, but we know what a mess that can make...
Therefore, everything is at your discretion, just wash your linen as often as possible!