Personal data protection

We are Marieli a.s., registered office: U Nesypky 1255/3, Smíchov, 150 00 Prague 5, business ID number: 10941789 registered with the Municipal Court in Prague, section B, entry 26417 (hereinafter “MARIELI”, “We” or “Us”).

Contact details:

Marieli, a.s., U Nesypky 1255/3, Smíchov, 150 00 Prague 5

E-mail address:, Website: /contacts/

We operate an e-shop on the website

We process certain personal data to ensure sales of goods and to operate our website.

Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (the “GDPR”), in particular, governs the processing of personal data.


Personal Data Processing

Personal Data Processing in Case of Registration or Use of Contact Form

If you enquire about our products and services, We will process the contact details that you provide Us, mainly through registration at the MARIELI e-shop and the enquiry form. They are: Your first and last names, month of birth, e-mail address, home address, delivery address, your mobile phone number, preferences for buying bed linen and other household textiles (material, size, quantity).

For what reason?

We will use them to contact you for further arrangements regarding MARIELI goods.

On what legal grounds?

This is processing based on Art. 6(1)(b) of the GDPR – negotiation of a contract or implementation of pre-contractual measures at your request.

How long will We process your personal data?

For a period that complies with relevant legal regulations (e.g. Act No. 480/2004 Coll., on certain information society services and on amendments to certain acts (the Act on Certain Information Society Services), as amended.

Personal Data Processing in Case of Purchase

If you make a purchase from Us, We will work with the data you fill in. We process the following personal data about you:

  • first and last names;
  • contact details (especially e-mail address and telephone number);
  • delivery address;
  • billing information and bank details (information necessary to keep accounts and make payments for goods);
  • notes for an order;
  • information you provide to Us when communicating with Us (especially your questions and answers to your questions, communication with you);
  • login credentials to a user account and behavior in a user account (in particular, information entered by a User in a user account, purchase history, time of registration, date of last update of the profile);
  • IP address;
  • cookies.

We do not process special categories of personal data.

In accordance with the GDPR (legitimate interest) and Act No. 480/2004 Coll., on certain information society services and on amendments to certain acts (the Act on Certain Information Society Services), as amended, We may send you commercial communications and news, in particular for the purpose of offering goods provided by MARIELI, via e-mail or telephone, unless you have refused to receive commercial communications or until you object to processing for direct marketing purposes.

For what reason?

We need to process personal data in order to fulfil our contract – to deliver our goods to you. We will also communicate with you via the contact details regarding the status of your orders, complaints or your questions.

We will also process personal data to fulfil our duties under the law (mainly for accounting and tax purposes, or for the settlement of complaints), to fulfil legal duties and based on MARIELI’s legitimate interest.

We process these personal data for the purpose of making a purchase of goods or services through our E-shop, fulfilling a contractual relationship, communication with you, improving the provision of our services, promoting goods and services, conducting contests and other promotions, as well as for the purpose of administering social networks, communicating with customer support and handling inquiries, for the purpose of registering customers to receive commercial communications (newsletters) and evaluating customer satisfaction and for the purpose of card payments.

Based on what legal grounds do We process personal data?

Such processing is enabled by the GDPR – performance of a contract, fulfillment of legal duties, MARIELI’s legitimate interests.

How long will We process your personal data?

For the duration of your registration or our agreement on MARIELI goods and for 10 years thereafter.


Processing of Personal Data Based on Consent to Send Commercial Communications or Other Direct Marketing

If you give Us your consent, We process the following personal data about you:

  • contact details (especially e-mail address, telephone number)
  • cookies

For what reason?

To address you with personalized service and product offerings in the future, via telephone or e-mail.

Based on what legal grounds do We process personal data?

We carry out such processing based on your consent. Such consent is voluntary and you can withdraw it at any time by unsubscribing directly in an e-mail and on the contact form or by writing to our e-mail address:

How long will We process your personal data?

Until you withdraw your consent.

Method of Personal Data Processing and Security

MARIELI processes personal data manually and automatically, in paper and electronic form. Your personal data are processed mainly by our employees and other processors. MARIELI has taken appropriate organizational and security measures to protect your personal data from any accidental loss, destruction, misuse, damage and unauthorized or unlawful access. We have entered into the relevant contracts with the processors who process your personal data for Us to guarantee adequate protection of your personal data. Employees and processors involved in the processing of your personal data are bound by confidentiality.

Who can access the data?

Your data stays with Us. Nevertheless, some companies or other persons work for Us and can access the data because they help Us run our E-shop. They are:

  • companies involved in the dispatch of goods: PPL CZ, K Betonárně 181/8, 155 00, Prague 5, Zásilkovna s.r.o., Lihovarská 1060/12, 190 00, Prague 9
  • companies involved in handling payments: Shoptet, a.s., Shoptet Pay, Dvořeckého 628/8, 169 00 Prague 6, Czech Republic, file ref.: B 25395, Municipal Court in Prague
  • e-mail service provider: ECOMAIL.CZ, Na Zderaze 15, 120 00, Prague 2
  • E-shop solution provider: Shoptet, a.s., Dvořeckého 628/8, 169 00 Prague 6, Czech Republic, file ref.: B 25395, Municipal Court in Prague
  • companies providing marketing services:, s.r.o., U Nesypky 1255/3, 150 00 Prague 5, Hotshots, s.r.o., Sokolovská 209, 190 00 Prague 9 Vysočany
  • Google Analytics and Tags Manager, operated by Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, business ID number: 368047
  •, Heureka Group a.s., with its registered office at Karolinská 650/1, 186 00 Prague 8,,, a.s., with its registered office at Radlická 3294/10, 150 00 Prague 5 – Smíchov
  • Facebook Pixel, operated by Facebook Ireland Ltd., with its registered office in Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2 Ireland

Your personal data may be transferred to our business partners (Processors) or other third parties if required by law.


We only use verified Processors with whom We have a written contract and who give Us at least the same guarantees as We give you. They are only Processors that are from the European Union, countries that have been declared and recognized as secure or countries with which We have standard contractual clauses in accordance with Article 46 of the GDPR and that provide your personal data with a comparable level of protection to the GDPR and Czech legal regulations. All of our Processors are bound by a confidentiality duty and may not use the personal data provided for any purpose other than those for which We disclosed it in accordance with this policy. We listed the specific Processors for each individual reason and purpose of personal data processing.

Statutory duties.

In addition to Processors, we may transfer personal data to third parties, if required to do so by law or in response to legal requests from public authorities or at the request of a court in litigation.

We process personal data only in the European Union.

What else you should know:

  • We do not have a designated data protection officer at our company.
  • Our company makes decisions based on automatic processing or profiling.
  • If you have any questions about personal data, please contact Us at

Your Rights in Relation to Personal Data Processing

The GDPR gives you, among other things, the right to contact Us and ask for information about what personal data We process, to request access to this data from Us and to have it updated or corrected, or to request restriction of processing, you can request a copy of the personal data processed, ask Us to erase personal data in certain situations and you have the right to its portability in certain cases. You can object to processing based on a legitimate interest by sending an e-mail to

If you believe that We are not handling data correctly, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority, which is the Office for Personal Data Protection (Pplk. Sochora 27, 170 00 Prague 7, landline: +420 234 665 111 (Switchboard), fax: +420 234 665 444, e-mail address:,, or make your claims in court.


We regularly review and update this Privacy Policy and reserve the right to amend it.


These terms and conditions are effective from 1 November 2021